The project
Once we completed the new look for the Luner brand we then tackled the user facing SIM management platform. Looking to continue in the modern and futuristic brand we focused heavily on making the platform feel new and different compared to the competitors on the market. Luner now has the most up to date and user friendly platform with affordable costs, lowering the entry level, allowing for a larger user base to be introduced to the IoT industry.

The Technology
Luner was developed using using an API-first approach to allow users to also access and control their accounts using the API as well as using the static javascript frontend application. The final solution consists of a load balanced application with a static frontend for the main platform. The main website also boasts a custom e-commerce solution linked directly to the API.
Simplified and modern IoT platform
Designed and developed so that customers can manage SIM connections globally without having to contact a sales representative or customer support.

Enhancing sales through self-service

Platform elements helping to direct users to purchase more SIMs inside the platform.

User created data plan allowing the full control of any SIM usage.

User data top up modal for easy access to increase their account balance.